Deacon Ministry

Chairman-Deacon John Jones 

Deacons administer the church charities, care for the poor, pray for the membership, visit the sick and shut in and provide support for all that pertains to the church’s welfare, “to serve tables”.  Deacons assist the pastor in serving the Lord’s Supper and Baptism Service.  In the absence of the pastor it is the deacon’s duty to conduct the devotional meetings and administer the affairs of the general body and to provide for the supply of the pulpit until the church has appointed a committee for that purpose. 

Deacon Name / Membership Responsibility:

Deacon Doug Davis

Last name beginning with
alphabet C – D

Deacon John Jones

Last name beginning with
alphabet E – G & J – M

Deacon Mack Johnson

Last name beginning with
alphabet H – I

Deacon Willie Bob Johnson

Last name beginning with
alphabet N – R

Deacon Jesse Stennis

Last name beginning with
alphabet S

Deacon Mike Middleton

Last name beginning with
alphabet T – V

Deacon Leon Welch

Last name beginning with
alphabet W – Z


  • Administer the Church charities and care for the poor 
  • Pray for the membership 
  • Visit the sick and shut in and provide support for all that pertains to the church’s welfare
  • Assist the pastor in serving the Lord’s Supper and Baptism Service.  
  • In the absence of the Pastor, conduct the devotional meetings and administer the affairs of the general body and  provide for the supply of the pulpit until the church has appointed a committee for that purpose. 
  • Hospital and/or home visits, and prayer requests must be requested by the member(s) or their family